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1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property: Monitoring and Promotion of the Convention

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Since its inception, the 1970 Convention has led to numerous success stories in the restitution of stolen cultural objects and the enhancement of national protective measures. Notably, numerous countries key to the illicit cultural property trade — including the U.S., Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom — have enacted national legislation to align their practices with the Convention. Furthermore, UNESCO continues to play a pivotal role in ensuring the effectiveness of the 1970 Convention through various capacity-building initiatives and advocacy campaigns — thus furthering global cooperation in the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property.

Granted, challenges such as inadequate resources, lack of awareness, and legal loopholes persist. Continued assessment and strategic amendments are essential to address these issues and ensure the Convention remains a robust tool in the preservation of cultural heritage.

The 1970 Convention in the UNESCO Courier

Since 1956, The UNESCO Courier, UNESCO's flagship journal, intermittently published stories and archival material related to cultural heritage and the 1970s Convention. Browse the editions below to learn more.

The 1970 Convention: Cultural Diversity before the Letter of the Law

Published: 2020

The Challenge to our Cultural heritage: Why Preserve the Past?

Published: 1986

The Cultural Heritage: Return to the Homeland 

Published: 1976

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